• Removing the Cover: The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    Removing the Cover: The Revelation of Jesus Christ

  • For The Joy Set Before Us

    For The Joy Set Before Us

  • Knowing Jesus Christ

    Knowing Jesus Christ

  • Singing the Song of Songs

    Singing the Song of Songs

  • Beholding Christ, Just Now

    Beholding Christ, Just Now

  • Recognizing Christ in the Old Testament

    Recognizing Christ in the Old Testament

  • Experiencing the Holy Days

    Experiencing the Holy Days

  • Removing the Cover: The Revelation of Jesus Christ

    Removing the Cover: The Revelation of Jesus Christ

  • Knowing Jesus Christ

    Knowing Jesus Christ

  • Singing the Song Of Songs

    Singing the Song Of Songs

  • Beholding Christ, Just Now

    Beholding Christ, Just Now

  • Recognizing Christ in the Old Testament

    Recognizing Christ in the Old Testament

  • Experiencing the Holy Days

    Experiencing the Holy Days

FrontandBack Mockups RemovingTheCover

Book Synopsis

“Removing the Cover: The Revelation of Jesus Christ (A Study Companion for Chapters 1-3)” by Jim Raddin

The Book of the Revelation can seem difficult if you are looking for revelations of things that will occur in the future. It is actually the Revelation of Christ right now. He is the One who takes the cover off, so that we may know Him in all His Glory.

My book is called a study companion because it is intended to accompany someone interested in looking carefully at the Book of the Revelation as we seek that Revelation from God Himself.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says…

You may download free here or contact Uriah at AlphaGraphics if you want to order personal copies simply for the cost of printing. uriah@alphagraphics.com

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FrontandBack Mockups Joy Before Us

Book Synopsis

"For the Joy Set Before Us" by Jim Raddin

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NASB)

I have loved these words from Hebrews for much of my Life in Jesus Christ. I love them far more now. I know the words by heart. The meaning of these words has certainly grown richer in me over the years. But, in these twilight days of my time on this earth, He has given these words New Life.

This short study will review some aspects of His Sharing of Himself with me in these two verses and some of the ways He has replaced my conventional attempts at understanding with the Reality of Himself. I will simply go through the text, one phrase at a time, pointing to ways He meets me here.

Contact Uriah at AlphaGraphics if you would like to place an order for personal printed copies simply for the price of printing.

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Book Synopsis

"Knowing Jesus Christ" by Jim Raddin

Knowing Jesus Christ is what I was fundamentally created for, but it is not something I could do by my own effort. It's very different from just knowing about Him. Life is not just what I know and what I do. Life is Who I know. Jesus personally initiates an intimate relationship in Him by drawing near and enabling my eternal response to know Him.

"... I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord..." Philippians 3:8 (NASB)

Contact Uriah at AlphaGraphics if you would like to place an order for personal printed copies simply for the price of printing.

Download a free PDF version here

FrontandBack Mockups SingingTheSong NEW

Book Synopsis

"Singing the Song of Songs" by Jim Raddin

The Song of Songs is a relatively unfamiliar book of the Bible. It can even seem out of place to find an intimate Love Song deep in the Old Testament, but Christ is making it mine. The Song is really just an invitation and a preliminary introduction to the intimate relationship Christ desires to have with each of us. I am no longer stuck with just the words on the page. He invites me to know and love Him as He Sings His ever-new Song to the New Creature He has made me to be. As He does so, my heart Sings with Him!

… “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along.” Song of Songs 2:10


Contact Uriah at AlphaGraphics if you would like to place an order for personal printed copies simply for the price of printing.

Download a free PDF version here

FrontandBack Mockups Beholding NEW

Book Synopsis

"Beholding Christ, Just Now" by Jim Raddin

I used to pray, intermittently, to a God I believed to be somewhere out there. I used to ask Him to give me the desires of my heart when I was fearful or in need. Sometimes I would seek to know His Will for me so that I could try to do it as best I could. I thought things would be made right only when I got to heaven, but I was in no hurry for that.

But He draws near, nearer than I could have imagined. He invites me to simply behold Him. Just now. In here, where I am. He reveals Himself as all the desire of my heart and He convinces me that I am the desire of His. He does not ask me to do His Will. He offers to do His Will in me, not someday, but just and only now as I behold Him.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock…” Revelation 3:20

Contact Uriah at AlphaGraphics if you would like to place an order for personal printed copies simply for the price of printing.

Download a free PDF version here


Book Synopsis

"Recognizing Christ in the Old Testament" by Jim Raddin

This book describes some of the ways Christ shows Himself to me in the Old Testament. He comes as a suprise to me there, as He generally does in all of life.

I was expecting only a few scattered prophecies of Him. Instead, He shows Himself personally and intimately from Genesis to Malachi.

My problem was not only that the Old Testament is longer and harder to read than the New one. My problem was me, and my reliance on myself and others to figure out what it said. I was ignoring the One doing the saying. Seek Him with me.

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Book Synopsis

"Experiencing the Holy Days" by Jim Raddin

This book is about some of the things I thought I knew but didn't. It is also about what I thought I couldn't know. As it turns out, I can know the Christ who is able to make all our days Holy.

Some of the book outlines historical perspectives causing me to reassess long-held notions about traditions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. Other parts present simple scientific and mathmatical ideas about time, space, light, gravity, infinity and the now. At its heart, the book is a Biblical discussion challenging some of the prevailing secular and religious narratives about what is real. It is an invitation to intimately know the Holy One and celebrate Him in all our days.

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